Update of Gannt chart after task and backlog updates
Show appointments in week view correctly if Saturdays or Sundays are faded out
Convert invalid estimation values to 0
Backlog item
Cost value
Open English manual via menu bar in portable version
Correct path to HTML manual
Version: 1.3
New features:
English handbook and help files integrated
Bug fix:
NullPointerException on clicking in task overview table
Version: 1.2
New features:
New markup for
Horizontal lines
HTML preview in text area panes
Show epics in requirements only if backlog items contains requirements
Hide and show single columns in several tables
Bug fix:
NullPointerException on double sided print of task cards
Remove automatically non valid no working days after changing sprint start or end
Version: 1.1
New features:
Formating of reports for mono space and bold text added
Team charter added
Release management added
Bug fix:
Include backlog item estimations in product statistic
Bold text at the beginning of a line (LaTeX, PDF)
Replacements in program listings (LaTeX, PDF)
Completion in product statistic table
Version: 1.0
New features:
Set login name, password and admin
Show current sprint tasks in product backlog tree
Add attachments to tasks
Delete all backlog items
Manage web users
Create pinboard task cards
Show backlog item topic in sprint backlog table
Suggest sprint title as file name for sprint LaTeX/PDF reports
Bug fix:
Undo remove member: Restore assigned tasks
Total time value of not assigned member in product statistic table
Store removed items if updating product in database
NullPointerException when removing last sprint in sprint view
After deleting cost category delete it from the assigned users
Date of new appointment in week view
Version: 0.9
New features:
Epic pie charts
Current time done
Current time to do
Original time to do
Hide done tasks and backlog items in product backlog tree
Handbook in epub format added
Copy epics, backlog items and tasks
Change backlog items priority via +/- keys in tree
Spell checking added
Delete selected tasks in the task overview manager
Keep selection of task and backlog item after clearing backlog tree filter
Original to do and current done field added in product statistic panel
Handbook changed from LaTeX to DocBook
Insert new impediment and new sprint by key press of Insert key
Show only users that have tasks in the sprint user panel
After deleting task in tree select the previous task
Import and export epic title via Open Office
Set appointment title with name of appointment type
Auto complete of the end date of a full time appointment
Restore state of task overview, sprint manager, impediment and planning panel
Scroll to selected item after hide/show done tasks
Show flags in language menu
Show other icon in tree if product is expanded
Log hibernate log entries from log level WARN or higher
Table filter added
Team table
Budget table
Appointment table
Show unassigned tasks in
Product statistic
Sprint statistic
Bug fix:
Remove cost category after deleting all cost categories
Show handbook and HTML help when blanks are in the path
Calculate costs to todo of a member in product statistic table
Update product statistic table after changing members cost category
Singleton Bugzilla window
Keep tree state of backlog item tree after changing priority, topic or epic title
While navigation with cursor up and cursor down the focus stays in the tree
Update backlog item estimation when chaning task estimation if automatic update is on
Update epic in tree after changing it
Select correct task after double click in sprint overview or task overview
Translate languages menu items after changing language
Tree update after inserting new task in filtered product backlog tree
Prevent storing inconsistent products in database
Select new added sprint in sprint list
Empty sprint title and already existing sprint title can not be set in sprint title textfield
Navigation with tab key in team table
Update of impediment title
Prevent setting empty product title
Sprint LaTeX report if task is not assigned to user
Expand tree after adding first backlog item
Update member in user panel of the sprint overview manager
Version: 0.8
New features:
Member velocity chart
Open file via dropping it to the frame
Double click in user task list of sprint opens task in product backlog
Default values for:
Product name
Epic name
Backlog item topic
Task title
Sprint title
Impediment title
Sprint duration in days
Maximum priority
Tasks of the current sprint are emphasized in the backlog tree
Epic statistic panel
Double click in task overview table opens task in product backlog
Filter table content
Task overview
Sprint task table
Bugzilla panel
Working unit weeks added
Statusbar stores message history
Filter product backlog tree
Automatic working unit conversion
Restore last selected task and member in the sprint manager member tab
Restore last selected task in task overview table
Push buttons show which view is displayed
Delete last opened files
Delete epic and associated backlog items
Sort reopened files according to the time of last opening it
Appointment table in the planning manager
Member attribute color added
Generate pdf reports with pdflatex
Navigate via double click from sprint task overview to product backlog
Show average value in sprint velocity diagram
Show epic in tool tip of the user panel in the sprint manager
Add current date
Select reporter by combobox
Show done symbol for finshed epics
Show normalised average line in sprint velocity diagram
Show current sprint in other color in sprint manager no working days panel
Show predicted burn down line in product burn down chart
Select first product in database panel
Tool tips to charts added
Show task's symbol in backlog tree according to its state
Show done value in product burndown chart
Today button in sprint no working day panel added
Today button in planning week view added
Choice dialog for saving product and terminating application
pdflatex path is editable in order to use relative paths
On Windows system set look and feel automatically to Windows look and feel
Preference dialog can only displayed once
Mark current sprint with sprint in menu item:
Sprint diagrams
Sprint estimation reports
LaTeX sprint reports
Restore the last selected tab in the preference dialog
Show todo and done in pinboard note
Tasks sorted independent of lower and upper case
First sprint of a product starts today
Switch in edit mode when adding a new team member
It is possible to unset the priority of a backlog item
Sprint title must be unique and have at least one character
Second and third level of itemization in LaTeX generation
Linear color gradient in completion columns
Apply button in options dialog added
Table of tasks in sprint users tab
Show log events prior to first call of log view window
Bug fix:
Description of task is editable after done task is selected
Show correct sprint velocity in sprint velocity diagram
NullPointerException: Drop file in product backlog tree.
Backlog tree repaint after drag & drop task.
Pinboard won't be shown if there are no current sprint with tasks
Restore size of option dialog
Calcuation of values of the product burn down chart
Selection after deleting backlog item or task in backlog tree
Show Saturdays and Sundays in the week view
Show backlog item panel after inserting it
File planing.xml renamed as planning.xml
Calcualtion of normalized average member velocity
Update task table in sprint manager
Update reopen file list after opening a file
Save task estimation value after selecting other item in backlog tree
Saving of read-only files
Show product burndown chart when product contains sprint with no working days
Select correct tasks in sprint estimation report
Show tasks in pinboard that have no member
Show correct priority in backlog panel
Show correct unit in product panel
Version: 0.7
New features:
Generation of LaTeX reports for
Panel Definition of Done added
Panel Retrospective added
Sprint velocity chart added
Epic to backlog items added
Scrum Master can be set
Appointment planing added
Task status to verify and undone added
Priorisation MuSCoW added
Feasts added
Show tooltip for pinboard notes
Drag & drop in pinboard view added
Double click in pinboard opens task in product backlog
Multi edit of sprint, member and status in task overview table
Multi edit of member and status in sprint task table
Calculate correct sprint start of new sprint in sprint manager panel
Database schemas aren't delivered anymore
Input of no working days via month calendar
The passwords for Bugzilla and the database aren't shown in plain text anymore
Sprint manager
Select added sprint after adding it to an empty sprint list
After deleting the first sprint in the list select the new first sprint
Impediment manager
Select added impediment after adding it to an empty impediments list
After deleting the first impediment in the list select the new first impediment
If task is marked as done the completion will be 100 %
If a task is done its values cannot be changed in product backlog view
Current sprint is selected after changing to sprint manager panel
Confirmation dialog before overwriting existing product in database
Default length of a sprint is 14 days
Trim URLs in database and Bugzilla options
Tool bar buttons for
Column Estimated in task overview table added
Confirmation dialog in menu File -> Exit
Bug fix:
Show correct menu items after new product is generated
Update unit in
Product statistic table
Backlog item statistic table
Task panel
Database: No duplicate days in table NOWORKINGDATE
More than one URL can be highlighted
Preference window can be shown if no configuration files exist
Set sprint begin as no working day in sprint month view
Accept priorities higher than the max priority value in the config file
After changing sprint duration adjust no working days
Update product in database after moving a task to another backlog item
After changing priority of a backlog item product can be updated in database
Show correct tool tip in task list of the sprint after sorting it
Sort backlog items correctly after loading product from database
Show pinboard on last day in sprint
Update sprint statistic panel after changing working unit
Sort tasks alphabetically in tree after chaning task title
Update icon of task after chaning status to or from done
Sorting of tables with double values
Task overview
Sprint task overview
Confirmation dialog before opening last opened file
Known Bug:
If the windows version is installed in a folder, whose name contains white spaces the help file, the quick start guide and the language files won't be found.
Version: 0.5.2
New features:
In the following text input field are URLs highlighted and can be clicked:
Navigation in planning table implemented as in working unit table.
Show time in tool tip in the task overview table.
Bug fix:
In the installed version can reports shown because they are generated in the temp folder.
If no product is open the diagram and the view menu won't be enabled.
Show updated arithmetic expression in backlog item and task estimation textfield.
Calculate costs in task overview table tool tip correct after sorting table.
If you try to rename a backlog item or a task in tree view to an already existing title the original title will be restored.
No dialog message box after canceling deletion of backlog item.
Values in the to do and done columns of the working unit table can be removed.
Version: 0.5.1
Bug fix:
If a task is marked as done the remaining todo time is now 0.
Known Bug:
If the windows version is installed in a folder, whose name contains white spaces the help file, the quick start guide and the language files won't be found.
Version: 0.5
New features:
Update checkbox in the product panel added in order to recalculate the estimated time.
Create reports
Product Backlog Report
The title of the product, backlog items and tasks are editable in the tree.
Database connection
Supported databases: HSQLDB, H2, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Storing products in databases.
Simple arithmetic expression can be calculated in
the estimation field of a backlog item,
the estimation field of a task,
in the planing table and
in the working day table of the user.
Gannt chart of the sprints.
In the Sprint view the in tab Users there are only the tasks listed that belong to the sprint.
New order of the log levels: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF.
Backlog items must have an unique topic.
The titles of the tasks of the same backlog item must be unique.
Show unit in column headers for time to do and time done.
Fields for team name and team description removed.
If you insert a new backlog item or a new task the new backlog item or the new task will be selected in the tree.
Backlog items with no task can be exported and imported.
Selection in the tree of the backlog item panel remains.
The content of the following textfields is selected after gaining the focus:
Product: Title and product owner.
Backlog item: Topic and estimation.
Task: Title and estimation.
Sprint: Title.
Impediment: Title and reported by.
Costs: Budget.
Column with the planned time in the working unit table.
Backlog items and tasks can be inserted in the backlog item tree via the key INSERT.
Show in version dialog window the readme, history and license file, too.
Confirmation dialog in installer before overwriting configuration files and report templates.
In the working unit table are all not editable fields painted with a gray background color.
Show times done, times to do and total time of the members in the product statistic panel.
Show in sprint task table the backlogitem topic in the tooltip.
Bug fix:
If the task is finished on the first day of the sprint the time calculation for the sprint chart has been corrected.
The vertical scroll bar will be shown in the product backlog tree and the sprint tree.
Task can be removed immediately from a backlog item.
Last day of sprint is shown in the user task overview.
After an opened scenario is saved and new scenario is created, the save action doesn't override the before opened scenario.
In the sprint burn down chart is the last sprint day shown.
If one backlog item with the same name is more than one times in the file now it can be removed.
Set the correct locale of the the sprint begin and end date and the no working days.
Show in the sprint panel in the user tab the working unit table if a task is selected.
In a backlog item there cannot be two or more task with the equals titles.
Show product backlog chart and sprint charts if a user has not set the time to do in the working unit table.
Correct calculation of the actual costs of a member per sprint for the costs chart.
Update working unit table after changing selection in task list.
The readme, history and license file to the installer added.
If a used cost category is removed the product statistic can be calculated.
Overlapping sprint planning isn't possible anymore.
Known Bug:
If the windows version is installed in a folder, whose name contains white spaces the help file, the quick start guide and the language files won't be found.
Version: 0.3
New features:
Status bar added
Manage impediments
Reopen already opened files
OpenOffice export and import of the product backlog
Insert Members from Office / OpenOffice
Team table
Insert pinboard
Bug fix:
If the last sprint is deleted an empty panel will be displayed.
Known Bug:
If the windows version is installed in a folder, whose name contains white spaces the help file, the quick start guide and the language files won't be found.